This past February, CMDA Atlanta sent four of it's own to Ethiopia. Dr. Don Shaffer - Carol Shaffer, RPh, Dr. Omari Hodge, and Caitlyn Klobe, RN . During their time there, they saw 16 decisions for Christ in a hostile Muslim culture and 1,724 patients were seen and treated throughout the week.I want you to hear in their own words, what God did through their service and how it impacted their life.
Caitlyn Klobe, RN -
I can't explain how good God has been to us. The people here in Awash Arba, are so resilient and to see the obstacles that they overcome EVERYDAY is beyond humbling. But they need to get well, by that I mean both physically and spiritually, Jesus knew exactly what he was doing in creating our team as He has sent some very strong spiritual warriors that He is using to spread His word. Prayers are being prayed with PT patients that are usually performed in secrecy, people are hearing about Jesus and His divine and perfect love.
Omari Hodge, MD -
I had not one but two CSW (commercial sex workers) who arrived at the clinic seeking treatment. One of the women I saw I'll call Regina. Regina is a local who lives in a town full of cousins and was married to one of them who abandoned her and her child, leaving her in a desperate position. She turned to this profession and expressed a sincere desire to come out of it. She received Christ during our appt (thanks to my awesome interpreter Eyob!), but had one strong valid question for me after. How do I make a living for my child and me now? This hit home for me as so often I see sharing the gospel as a simply giving people a choice of who they choose to call God yet forgetting the pragmatic issues of making that choice. Pray for Regina and others and for our local partners who will assist Regina and others as they seek to follow Christ faithfully. Thank you for your support that makes this ministry possible.