CMDA Atlanta dedicates significant time, energy, and resources toward developing community among our Christian healthcare professionals in the Atlanta area. We are trying to build small communities in this BIG city to make this BIG city feel smaller. Many in healthcare feel as if they are on an island as Christians. We want you to know you are not alone!
We host events throughout the city each month to meet with other Christian healthcare professionals to develop relationships and fellowship and network.
Provider Nights Out
These events are held at venues across the city and appetizers and NA beverages are provided. Adult beverages may be enjoyed without judgment; however, those are on you. We will try to host these on the last Thursday of each month when possible. Please email Nate to join our email list so you will be up to date or check our calendar.
Women Healthcare Professionals in Christ (WHPC)
Our women’s ministry welcomes ALL female healthcare professionals and usually meets monthly as well, most often meeting in the home of one of the ladies. This is a time of fellowship, refreshment, and encouragement. The location for these gatherings moves to a different part of the city each month. If you would like to be added to the email list for WHPC please email Dr. Parker. Please check our calendar monthly for dates and locations.