Christian Medical & Dental Associations of Atlanta exists to transform lives by the power of the gospel through medicine. We are serving those most vulnerable - the marginalized - the least - the last and the lost.
- 671 CMDA Atlanta medical professionals and students mobilized to serve vulnerable people around the world.
- 27,571 patients were treated medically, explained the gospel and prayed for individually on these trips.
- 7,000+ children heard about the love of Jesus and were ministered to at our clinics.
- 1,124 of the patients seen indicated decisions for Jesus Christ.
- 748 students and residents impacted by our ministries on all of our 4 schools throughout Atlanta
Every $200 gift helps bring medical care to 10 refugees for a month at our clinic in Clarkston, GA
Every $100 gift brings needed medical care and the gospel to 9 underserved people around the world
Every $150 gift helps us reach out into vulnerable communities to serve those who are at high-risk to trafficking
If you wish to donate via mail, then send all checks made payable to "CMDA Atlanta" to this address:
CMDA Atlanta - 2059 Lavista Rd Atlanta, GA 30329
Christian Medical and Dental Associations in Atlanta relies solely on the prayer and financial partnership of doctors, dentists, medical professionals, churches and community leaders.