5 Questions To Ask After Your Mission

Mission opportunities are life changing. Yet they not only change the lives of those are served, but they also deeply impact and change the "ones" do the serving. The impact a trip can have can be profound and deep and yet it can be difficult and challenging to distill, to process and to digest.

That is why it's so important to take the time upon reentry from a short-term missions opportunity to reflect on the experience. It is important to ask one's self meaningful questions that will put into focus and give clarity to exactly what happened during that time. These questions will not only crystallize the mission experience but will also help cement meaningful change and impact moving beyond the trip into the future.

As I've lead teams on many mission trips over the years, these big 5 questions can help bring meaningful reflection and application to one's experience.

Ask yourself these questions the next time you go and serve.

1) Where did I experience God on the trip?

2) What did I learn about myself during the trip?

3) What did I expect from this experience, and what surprised me?

4) What is the one thing that God may be inviting me to do next?

5) What practical next step can I put into action that will help that one thing to become a greater reality for me?