Being in the "care-giving" vocation is considered a high risk profession. People may think that doctors have a charmed life, but that's simply an illusion. The truth is that many doctors (and other medical providers) deal and suffer from either toxic stress, loneliness, depression, divorce, addiction, financial stress, and compassion fatigue. Who cares for the care-givers? Who comes alongside those who are serving and helping others all the time? The answer is to those questions is not encouraging. The fact of the matter is that too many medical professionals are simply "alone" and "isolated".
Caring for those in medicine is one of the primary missions and work of CMDA Atlanta . We are called to helping medical providers find a place to connect and find community. A place to go and know that they aren't alone and to find encouragement and spiritual strength. CMDA Atlanta seeks to be a spiritual oasis amidst the storms of life, especially life within medicine.
See below the infographic that outlines some of the challenges that doctors and other medical providers face within today's world and medical landscape.