God has given CMDA Atlanta the tremendous opportunity to serve him around world. And throughout the years, we've seen thousands of men, women and children given critical medical care coupled with the love, compassion and hope of the gospel.
I often say that CMDA Atlanta shouldn't be addressed as merely a ministry, rather we should talk about it as a movement. We are a group that goes OUT and engages the world. Our purpose with CMDA Atlanta is to plant, water and grow the seeds of the gospel throughout the world. CMDA Atlanta is part of powerful movement that has not just survived, but thrived these past 2000 years.
As a medical professional, it’s likely that you were reminded early in your training of the late William Osler's famous maxim to “treat the patient, not the disease.” You may've heard it even before your choice to study medicine, and it prompted you to pursue it as a career.
One of the things that I like most about the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CDMA) is its ministry to you, the caregiver. With so many people around the world and in our own communities who need your expertise, knowledge and care, you know better than anyone how easy it is to neglect one's own well-being.