From June 18-26, 2016, a medical team of 30 physicians, dentists, pharmacists, PAs, medical students and non-medical personnel served the Haitian people living in the Dominican Republic and working in the sugar cane fields. It was a powerful and humbling week as God worked His love and mercy toward the Haitian people in and through our team. Providing critical medical care to 846 patients that week along with the love of the gospel wasn't just a blessing to those Haitians living and working in the sugar cane fields, it changed and impacted our team too. Below are some of their stories....
“I’m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.”
Video of our mission to the Haitians living and working in the Sugar Cane Bateyes in the Dominican Republic
“The time was such a beautiful intersection of my faith and my profession. I was able to practice the medicine I enjoy and freely share the love and hope I have found in Christ.Until this trip, I don’t think I really ever understood Luke 10: 2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” The need was overwhelming and people were so thirsty for truth and for the living water that will never run dry. Grateful to have been a part of this amazing team. Thank you!”
“I was touched by the selflessness and authenticity that this team of doctors and students embodied in the way they cared for the people that came to the clinic. Many of these Haitians may have never had access to medical care, and there was a sense of desperation in their desire to be seen and treated. ”
“Although I often found myself frustrated and discouraged at the little we could do in our short stay there, I was reminded that physical healing is only part of what we came to offer. In one of our evening devotions we read the last two chapters of Revelation, which describes the coming of a new heaven and new earth, when God will dwell with man and death, mourning, crying, and pain shall be no more (Rev. 21 :4). This is a glimpse of the ultimate hope that we call our patients to, a hope that extends beyond temporary relief and can only be found in Jesus. I was also struck by how much we had in common with the people we saw. So many of their spiritual struggles are the same: there were individuals who had been hurt by the church, and many others who had once called themselves Christians but felt that they were now too far from God to come back. One such patient was Vanessa. Vanessa was only 24 years old and was coming to us for complications from a self-induced abortion. When asked, she said that she had had more than she could count. Besides her physical pain, she was burdened by severe emotional pain and guilt over her actions. Rather than judge her, I was struck by the similarities I felt between us. I can’t count the number of times l’ve come back to ask for God’s forgiveness after committing the same sin I had told Him I wouldn’t do again. There is nothing in me that makes me more deserving of God’s forgiveness than her, and it is my prayer that she could also know this forgiveness and the healing that comes with it. Rather than seeing this missions trip as a one-time event, I believe it is important to see it as a part of the bigger picture of how God is advancing His kingdom.”
“Our team prayed for each family we helped, and we watched God’s love bring many closer to Him. I have never been brave about sharing my faith, but this trip made me want to do that!”
“I learned to be more thankful for what I have. It was humbling to see how simple the people lived compared to how I live. I feel more compassion towards others too. The trip was just life changing.”
Thank you for your prayers and financial support which helped make this outreach possible.